Monthly Archives: March 2021

Cardiac Patients Need To Take Their Dentist’s Appointments Seriously

It was said that the physical and psychological stresses of dental surgeries are responsible for creating different conditions inside blood arteries that can lead to a cardiac arrest or attack. Before now this has been proved for different surgeries as well such as hip replacement, coronary artery bypass grafting, and other operations which are major. […]

Why People Confuse Sudden Cardiac Arrest With Heart Attack

People often confuse these two terms, but they are neither same nor synonyms. These two are the same in heart attack blood flow to the heart is blocked and in the sudden cardiac arrest, the heart malfunctions and suddenly stops beating. You can differ them by calling a heart attack “circulation” problem and you can […]

How Important is CPR

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation known as CPR is an emergency lifesaving treatment that is performed when the heart stops beating in different situations. And providing CPR Immediately can double the chances of survival of a patient after sudden cardiac arrest. Every year in America around 457000 die from cardiac arrest. To save a cardiac patient you need […]

Time Is Very Essential In Sudden Cardiac Arrest

In Sudden cardiac arrest or heart attack in both situations the heart malfunctions. But SCA can be a frightening situation as the person in front of you collapses and becomes unconscious. It makes the other person conscious as well. But you need to act fast because the victim experiences an interruption in the normal activity […]

How To Perform CPR In Absence Of An AED

In case of sudden cardiac arrest, your first approach should be using an AED device because you don’t need proper training for it. Any person can use it on patients by just following audio/visual instructions. Nowadays visual instructor AEDs are also available. You can get yours from Calmed. But if AED is not present you […]

What Should Be Kept In Mind While Buying An AED

When you’re considering buying an AED for your home or you’re setting up an office-wide AED setup, AED cost is a big concern. Different models have different features and costs vary from device to device. CalMed provides a wide range of defibrillators according to your need but regardless of AED price it can save many […]

Why Can Your Dermatologist Detect Your Heart Problem At First? Find Out How

If heart problems are not treated on time they can develop into severe conditions resultantly into cardiac arrest and few patients survive cardiac arrest. To survive a cardiac arrest you must always keep an aed with you it requires no aed training and aed cost is in budget as well. Better prevention than cure. These […]

Do You Know Your Body Can Tell You About Your Heart Condition?

Sometimes, it’s very hard for you to make a connection between your symptoms. If you don’t want to consult a doctor at this early stage and have several body symptoms you should reconsider your decision. Because the following symptoms indicate several heart problems. With any heart disease, we recommend you to have an AED which […]