Monthly Archives: October 2021

Hypertension And Its Consequences

High blood pressure can be very threatening for our health, specifically cardiovascular diseases. Our blood pressures change throughout the days based on our activities. if you have a family history of hypertension you have more chances of being a victim of blood pressure. The higher your blood pressure goes the higher you are having the […]

Maintain Your Blood Sugar Level For Your Heart!

Keeping a heart healthy is the most important thing to do as our heart is the main organ of the body.  A simple heart attack or cardiac arrest can take away your precious life. AEDs like AED plus, Zoll plus AED is easy to use for rescuers and life-saving for victims. You can now also […]

Unique symptoms of cardiovascular disorder(3)

In the continuation of the previous article series. As we know, AED is specially designed to save the life of a patient who suffers from cardiac arrest. AEDs around the world are now easily available. AEDs like AED plus, Zoll plus AED is easy to use for rescuers and life-saving for victims. You can now […]

Heart Disease And Menopause

Before a woman reaches menopause there is a lower risk of developing heart disease. More women died because of heart diseases instead of cancer. For both men and women, cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death. Menopause does not develop heart issues but certain risk factors increase around this period. These minor heart issues […]