AED Signs For Your AED!

As we all know that Automated External Defibrillators (AED) is the device that saves lives in cardiac emergencies. But in these occurrences of SCA people usually, panic and find it very hard to locate the device immediately therefore AED signs are made, which helps us to navigate to the AED unit when someone gets a sudden cardiac arrest. If you’re looking for AED in California, you can check calmed equipment, which is an online American aed store that provides various options in AED packages and devices. To save someone’s life you need to be very fast so the person stays alive before help arrives.

AED Signs

AED wall signs can come in a variety of styles and colors or you can customize them as well. All of these signs have one thing in common which is the universally recognized symbol for AED, this helps people to look for AED easily.


There are some guidelines we suggest you to follow while placing AED sign:

You should Place AED wall signs very close to the AED, place this sign directly above the AED cabinet so everyone knows what is in it.

According to ADA, your AED wall sign must be 7 feet above the ground so every person can locate it.

Try to have bright and bold colors so it is easily visible to everyone’s eyes.

Keep your AED sign brightest and boldest of all. There shouldn’t be any sign or thing that makes the sign hard to find.