Author Archives: CalMed1

The Complete Guide to AED Batteries: What You Need to Know

Aed Batteries

Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) are life-saving devices that play a critical role in emergency situations, particularly during cardiac arrest. These devices are designed to analyze the heart’s rhythm and deliver a shock if needed to restore a normal heart rate. However, to ensure the AED functions effectively in a crisis, it must be properly maintained—and […]

Florida State AED Law


Guidelines for AED (Automated External Defibrillator) Use: Physician Oversight Currently, there is no legislation requiring physician involvement in AED programs. CPR/AED Training It is recommended that anyone using an AED should complete appropriate training. This includes taking a CPR course or a basic first aid course that covers CPR and AED usage. Trainees should also […]

Georgia State AED Law


Summary of Requirements Requirements for AED (Automated External Defibrillator) Use and Compliance: Physician OversightA licensed physician must be involved to ensure AED usage follows proper guidelines. CPR/AED TrainingAnyone expected to use an AED should complete CPR and AED training. Informing Emergency ServicesIf you have an AED, you must notify your local emergency dispatch center about […]

Washington State AED Law

washington map

In Washington, AED programs must meet specific requirements for maintenance, training, medical oversight, device placement reporting, and activating EMS. The Good Samaritan law offers protection to individuals as long as they only use the AED for its intended purpose. However, other activities related to AED programs are not covered by this immunity. Following administrative and […]

New York AED State Law

New York Map

New York requires AED programs to follow rules for maintenance, training, medical oversight, device placement reporting, and post-event reporting. Good Samaritan immunity in New York only applies to AED use, leaving other program-related activities unprotected. The law’s vague wording creates uncertainty about the scope of conduct covered. AEDs are required in various locations, such as […]

California State AED Law

california map

In California, AED (Automated External Defibrillator) owners must follow rules for maintaining the devices, reporting where they are placed, and complying with regulations. Building owners, school principals, and those who make or sell AEDs must let tenants know where the AEDs are located and provide information on CPR/AED training. Good Samaritan law protections apply only […]

Concerning the Use of Automated External Defibrillators (AED) for Passenger Flights


The safety of passengers aboard commercial flights has always been a priority for airlines and aviation authorities. While much of the focus tends to be on issues such as turbulence and aviation security, one critical aspect of in-flight health emergencies that is often overlooked is the management of sudden cardiac arrest (SCA). Sudden cardiac arrest […]

The Life-Saving Benefits of AEDs for Athletes in Sudden Cardiac Arrest

AEDs for Athletes

Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) is a tragic and often fatal event that can occur without warning, particularly among athletes. While the incident may be unexpected, the outcome can be dramatically improved with the timely use of an Automated External Defibrillator (AED). In recent years, the critical role of AEDs in saving lives has become increasingly […]