Author Archives: CalMed1

Some Food Tips To Prevent Heart Attack And Cardiac Arrest!

In today’s work, A heart patient needs to keep many things in check. He has to have a healthy life and healthy diet along with some do and don’ts. Any irregular pattern in heartbeat causes sudden cardiac arrest. To save yourself from sudden cardiac arrest you need to keep an automated external defibrillator AED with […]

Quarantine And Kitchen

This pandemic has lasted longer than our expectations. It has affected everything from our work, to education and even our health. We are more mentally exhausted than physically. Staying all day at home without doing physical exertion is not good for our body, especially our hearts. Aed heart is introduced for this. If at home […]

Learn About Treatment Of Bradycardia

Any irregular pattern in heartbeat causes sudden cardiac arrest. To save yourself from sudden cardiac arrest you need to keep an automated external defibrillator at your side all the time. With the popularity of the AED heart, it is not even difficult to find an AED. You can get AED from stores and online easily. […]

How Sinus Tachycardia can lead to sudden cardiac arrest

AED heart is getting popular so the people are trying to know more about aed equipment and trying their best to take care of their heart health. An automated external defibrillator is a portable device which is used to save the life of a victim of cardiac arrest in an unpleasant situation of cardiac arrest. […]

What Do You Know About Atrial or Supra-ventricular Tachycardia (SVT)

AED heart is getting popular so people are trying to know more about AED equipment and trying their best to take care of their heart health. An automated external defibrillator is a portable device that is used to save the life of a victim of cardiac arrest in an unpleasant situation of cardiac arrest. If […]