Author Archives: CalMed1

Audible Feedback CPR Device

Technology has been advancing day by day. Science is bringing more life easing devices to help us. In the past, more work and research was done on AEDs as they are the life-saving devices used in the sudden cardiac arrest situation to increase the chances of survival of patients. Therefore different AED brands manufactured AEDs […]

Know Your Cardiac Risks Before Getting Into The Pool

Summertime is everyone’s favorite. Sun shining at its peak, barbeque parties on the lawn, and the most favorite, beaches and pools! You get to freely swim in the water in this season, it not only helps you with avoiding heat but also people enjoy it a lot. If you already have some kind of cardiovascular […]

Should Marijuana Get Legalized?

We have witnessed many protests of people of many states to legalize marijuana also many states have already legalized it. But one should always think why it was prohibited in the first place? Just like smoking cigarettes is legal but can you ever say it doesn’t affect us? Just like that marijuana has serious impacts […]

Know More About Philips Heartstart Home Defibrillator

AEDs are manufactured by different companies. In an online store like Calmed we will provide you with all known brands to look for the AED best suitable to you. From defibtech lifeline aed to Philips Heartstart they offer all kinds of AEDs. Here we will tell you why buying a Philips Heartstart is good for […]

Is It Wise To Buy A Portable AED?

Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) is responsible for killing more people than house fires, cancer, AIDS, traffic accidents, handguns, house fires combined, the numbers go about 350,000 per year. This is because even in these accidents a person survives but the trauma leads him to sudden cardiac arrest and then he dies of it. People who […]

Why Do We Love Defibtech Lifeline AED?

There are many AED brands now which offer different AEDs with different features but If you’re looking for a much simpler, rugged, and reliable AED we will recommend you to go for Defibtech Lifeline AED. This AED, for it’s a simple design to use in a stressful situation, its deliverances, easy-to-understand commands and robust voice […]