Author Archives: CalMed1

Let Us Clear Some Myths About An AED

An automated external defibrillator (AED) is a portable device that delivers an electric shock through the chest to the heart of the victim. The machine can detect irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia) and stop it allowing a normal rhythm to resume to prevent sudden cardiac arrest (SCA).  A victim needs immediate medical care immediately and if aed […]

Different Types Of Defibrillators

A person experiencing sudden cardiac arrest (SCA),  has a window of about 10 minutes to be saved. And with every passing minute their chances of survival decline by about 10%. An automated external defibrillator known as AED can easily restore a normal heart function during those critical moments, and save the victim’s life. If you’re […]

Defibtech Lifeline Aed Should Be Your Next Aed Purchase!

AEDs are specifically made for laymen to use. If you want to make an AED purchase this is our recommendation. This Defibtech Lifeline AED has proven itself for many years for revolutionized lifesaving and making it even easier to use. This AED is made of the best technology with a simple yet amazing design consisting […]

Impact Of Stress On Our Heart Health

There are so many contributing factors to cardiac arrest you can now add stress to it as well. The world is changing and the pace is getting faster day by day. It is hard for people to keep up with daily rituals and therefore they end up stressing. Doctor Sumeet mentioned, “We now live in […]