ZOLL Aed 3 Is Here! Learn More About It

People are advancing in science day by day. Newer and better versions of these AEDs are being manufactured for our ease. The FDA has permitted ZOLL to launch its newly manufactured Zoll AED 3 in public. Among the American AED, it’s going to be the best AED in the current market. Soon it will be […]

Scarring Of Heart And Sudden Cardiac Arrest

Heart attack should be taken very seriously because not only have you been given another life but also it leaves severe damage to some parts of the body especially the heart. We will recommend you to buy aed for yourself after going through some cardiac disease because this is when a sudden cardiac arrest occurs. […]

Sudden cardiac arrest in children

People think it’s very rare for sudden cardiac arrest (SCA)  to occur in children. But if we look into stats give by  Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, “Each year, SCA claims the lives of over 2,000 children and adolescents in the U.S. and accounts for approximately 3-5% of all deaths in children aged 5-19 years. It […]

How To Use Electrode Paediatric Pads On Kids

An Automated External Defibrillator (AED’s) has different parts. One of them is electrode pads which are the most vital components of an AED. Electrode pads are used to analyze a patient’s heart rhythm and defibrillation can’t be delivered to save a life without them. These pads are so handy. They are disposable just like a […]

Cardiac Patients Need To Take Their Dentist’s Appointments Seriously

It was said that the physical and psychological stresses of dental surgeries are responsible for creating different conditions inside blood arteries that can lead to a cardiac arrest or attack. Before now this has been proved for different surgeries as well such as hip replacement, coronary artery bypass grafting, and other operations which are major. […]

Why People Confuse Sudden Cardiac Arrest With Heart Attack

People often confuse these two terms, but they are neither same nor synonyms. These two are the same in heart attack blood flow to the heart is blocked and in the sudden cardiac arrest, the heart malfunctions and suddenly stops beating. You can differ them by calling a heart attack “circulation” problem and you can […]

How Important is CPR

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation known as CPR is an emergency lifesaving treatment that is performed when the heart stops beating in different situations. And providing CPR Immediately can double the chances of survival of a patient after sudden cardiac arrest. Every year in America around 457000 die from cardiac arrest. To save a cardiac patient you need […]