Category Archives: Accessories

What Should We Know About Mitral Valve

The four valves of our heart play an essential role in circulating the blood to the body. The blood flow is divided to a particular portion of the body by these valves, and each valve passes the blood and oxygen to the amount they are accountable for. The Mitral valve flows blood from one chamber […]

The Heart Arrhythmia

Our heart contains four chambers and four valves that are equally responsible and important in blood circulation. If any of these four gets diseased or damaged, it can cause you serious heart problems like stroke, heart failure, or cardiac arrest. Problems with the structure of the heart can cause atrial fibrillation. To avoid situations like […]

Valves Of The Heart and Aortic Stenosis

Our heart contains four valves which are aortic, pulmonary, tricuspid, and mitral. Each valve plays an essential role in the circulating blood to our body, connected to a different heart chamber. If any of these four valves get damaged or diseased, it can result in stenosis. Most of the time aortic valve represents stenosis which […]

PAD may be your first warning of a severe problem

Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is a severe health condition in which your arteries become narrowed and reduce blood and oxygen flow throughout your body. When you have peripheral artery disease, your legs do not receive more blood than usual. Long-term PAD can damage the arteries all over your body and result in a cardiac arrest […]

Hypertension And Its Consequences

High blood pressure can be very threatening for our health, specifically cardiovascular diseases. Our blood pressures change throughout the days based on our activities. if you have a family history of hypertension you have more chances of being a victim of blood pressure. The higher your blood pressure goes the higher you are having the […]