Category Archives: AED Packages

Is It Wise To Buy A Portable AED?

Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) is responsible for killing more people than house fires, cancer, AIDS, traffic accidents, handguns, house fires combined, the numbers go about 350,000 per year. This is because even in these accidents a person survives but the trauma leads him to sudden cardiac arrest and then he dies of it. People who […]

Why Do We Love Defibtech Lifeline AED?

There are many AED brands now which offer different AEDs with different features but If you’re looking for a much simpler, rugged, and reliable AED we will recommend you to go for Defibtech Lifeline AED. This AED, for it’s a simple design to use in a stressful situation, its deliverances, easy-to-understand commands and robust voice […]

Have You Ever Thought About Cleaning Your AED?

AEDs known as defibrillators are very delicate devices. This device is used in a life and death situation mostly when the person encounters sudden cardiac arrest. That can be due to anything, even an accident. On the scene of an accident one knows about the bloodshed. Although AED doesn’t deal with internal parts of our […]

For Your Heart Step Away From Your Gadgets For Some Time

Science is getting more and more advanced day by day. New technologies and new gadgets are being introduced every other day. They are doing so for our convenience but do you know that these gadgets are taking us away from nature? Not only nature but the use of these gadgets are draining us from inside. […]

Know About AEDs In Stores

From the large number of customers passing through the doors of supermarkets, superstore every day, to the stress of buying and spending money, dealing with the crowd of people is very stressful for the heart. Most people don’t understand that these factors may lead to sudden cardiac arrest (SCA), and for the survival of sudden […]

Let Us Clear Some Myths About An AED

An automated external defibrillator (AED) is a portable device that delivers an electric shock through the chest to the heart of the victim. The machine can detect irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia) and stop it allowing a normal rhythm to resume to prevent sudden cardiac arrest (SCA).  A victim needs immediate medical care immediately and if aed […]

Different Types Of Defibrillators

A person experiencing sudden cardiac arrest (SCA),  has a window of about 10 minutes to be saved. And with every passing minute their chances of survival decline by about 10%. An automated external defibrillator known as AED can easily restore a normal heart function during those critical moments, and save the victim’s life. If you’re […]

Defibtech Lifeline Aed Should Be Your Next Aed Purchase!

AEDs are specifically made for laymen to use. If you want to make an AED purchase this is our recommendation. This Defibtech Lifeline AED has proven itself for many years for revolutionized lifesaving and making it even easier to use. This AED is made of the best technology with a simple yet amazing design consisting […]