Have You Ever Thought About Cleaning Your AED?

AEDs known as defibrillators are very delicate devices. This device is used in a life and death situation mostly when the person encounters sudden cardiac arrest. That can be due to anything, even an accident. On the scene of an accident one knows about the bloodshed. Although AED doesn’t deal with internal parts of our body but can be infected or covered with blood. So after using your AED you must clean it to get rid of excessive blood spots and viruses. If you are still looking to buy an AED. You can check Calmed equipment. It is an online aed store. They provide different aed superstore coupons which you can use on many AED brands and choose the one you find suitable for yourself.

According To Manufacturers

  • First, you have to make sure your hands are clean.
  • Then you have to wear gloves.
  • After that check your AED for any dirt or dust particles.
  • After removing the AED from its case you can clean the AED and its carry case with a soft cloth or wipe after dampening it with soapy water, Chlorine bleach, any ammonia-based cleaners.
  • You have to make sure to prevent any liquid from getting in the crevices.
  • After that, you can use a dryer or dry cloth to dry off any moisture on your device.
  • You can check the green indicator to know that the device is all good.

You can follow these simple steps to clean your AED yourself.