Heart Should Be Taken Care Of All The Time

Sudden cardiac arrest can happen at any place and at any time. If you have any heart disorder, you need to keep an AED machine with you all the time. It is readily available on AED superstores also in stores online. If you want to buy an AED in California, you can check out calmed equipment. It is an online AED store that provides different AED packages as well. You can get AED for business, AED for church, AED for aviation, and AED for home as well.

We Are All in Danger

It makes no difference whether you are young or old, male or female; we are all equally vulnerable. Adult men in the United States have a 60% lifetime risk of suffering a heart attack, stroke, or heart failure. It’s not much better for women, with 56% predisposed to heart disease or stroke.

Given such figures, practically all of us may expect to be touched directly or indirectly via family members or loved ones. In the United States, cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of mortality. Every year, there are:

800,000 people died (2,200 die each day, about one every 40 seconds)

735,000 cases of heart attack

800,000 striations

Eight hundred thousand people have recently been diagnosed with heart failure.

Recognize the Signs and Symptoms

So, what exactly are the signs and symptoms of heart disease? Everyone is familiar with chest discomfort or pressure radiating to the left arm; however, these “classic” symptoms are NOT the most prevalent. Because there is so much individual variance in how heart illness manifests itself, it is difficult for all, including doctors, to recognize whether symptoms are heart-related.