How Most People React In An Emergency Situation

It is quite common among people to react in the same way in a situation where someone needs our help to stop life-threatening bleeding or someone having a cardiac arrest. In such situations, we need to keep ourselves calm and react quickly. Whether there are victims of injury or an accident or any situation one must always react immediately. For an accident, there are bleeding kits available and for sudden cardiac arrest, there are AEDs. You can get your aed in California today by placing an order on Calmed equipment, it is an online AED store.

What To Do

In a situation of an accident, you must immediately cover the wound with a piece of cloth and press on it with pressure until the help arrives or the blood stops bleeding. You should even engage the bystanders standing and just watching. And if the patient is suffering from sudden cardiac arrest you must quickly place the electrode pads on the chest of the patient and follow the instruction given by it and you may save the life of the victim this way.


The government is trying very hard to make these AEDs and bleeding kits excessively available to increase the chances of survivors. More public places like schools, parks, factories, and shopping malls are instructed to keep both for any medical emergencies. A bystander only watching the situation is no help to anyone rather it makes the patient more nervous. Therefore always react in such situations just not stand and watch.