Know More About Philips Heartstart Home Defibrillator

AEDs are manufactured by different companies. In an online store like Calmed we will provide you with all known brands to look for the AED best suitable to you. From defibtech lifeline aed to Philips Heartstart they offer all kinds of AEDs. Here we will tell you why buying a Philips Heartstart is good for you.

Why It Is Best

This AED gives you voice instructions to use AED either as an adult or infant/child along with CPR. This AED is designed to conduct self-tests so it will alert you if it encounters any problem. You have to push the button to give a shock to the patient. It also comes with a warranty of 5 years. The Philips Heartstart Home defibrillator is the cheapest portable defibrillator available and it is so small and light weighted that you can carry it everywhere.