Let Us Guide You On Your AED Purchase

If you have decided to buy an AED for yourself or for your organization we first congratulate you for making such a wise decision. Well you’re new in this and terminology like AED heart is not something you’re familiar with,  let us guide you all on automated external defibrillator AED, where to buy, and what to look for while buying.


Normally the warranty of an AED lasts for about 4-5 years but still, many manufacturers offer different times. You need to look wisely because this device is very delicate and expensive and if broken it will be a hassle for you to get a new one. Warranty tells you if the AED suits your requirements and before buying you need to be clear on what it does and does not.


As you’re new to this we won’t recommend you to look for a big complicated device. Look for a smaller AED with many features but must be simpler to use. Defibtech is good for a beginner to use as it can be operated by anyone easily.


AED is an expensive device but the initial cost of your AED is only one part of the cost of owning an AED. You might have to spend more money on its maintenance for battery placement, electrode pad replacement costs, and servicing costs.

Where To Buy

You must look into the supplier of an AED. The store later deals with you therefore do some research before buying. If you’re buying AED in California we recommend you to get yours from calmed equipment, it is an online AED store that provides you with various options to choose from.