Nevada State AED Law

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Summary of Requirements for AEDs (Automated External Defibrillators)

  1. Physician Prescription
    A prescription from a doctor is needed to purchase an AED.
  2. CPR/AED Training
    Anyone using an AED must complete a training course in basic emergency care for cardiac arrest. This training should include how to use an AED and follow standards set by organizations like the American Heart Association or the American Red Cross.
  3. EMS Notification
    If you buy an AED for commercial use, you can register it with the Health Division. Provide your name, address, phone number, and the details of the business where the AED will be kept. Include the exact location where the AED will be stored.
  4. Maintenance Program
    The AED must be regularly maintained and tested according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
  5. Notification of Use
    Currently, there are no laws requiring you to notify authorities after using an AED.
Laws / Legislation
NV Rev Stat § 450B.620 2014Outlines AED requirements for: school properties, medical facilities, and health clubs.
NV Rev Stat § 389.01852013Outlines instructions to ensure the public health and safety for a school that acquires an AED.
NV Rev Stat § 450B.05052013Defines: Automated External Defibrillator.
NV Rev Stat § 450B.6002011Outlines AED requirements for: High schools, the largest airport in the county, sporting arenas, capital building, legislative building, Grant Sawyer building, and county offices​.
NV Rev Stat § 450B.6102010Outlines the responsibilities of: the health division, an emergency medical dispatcher, an AED manufacturer, and the owner of an AED.
SB 2442009Requires registration of automated external defibrillators, authorizes all public schools to acquire AEDs.
AB 4412003Requires automated external defibrillators in high schools, some statefacilities, and some county facilities. Allows for AED placement inmedical facilities and health clubs. Establishes guidelines for AEDprograms.
AB 4091999Expands immunity protection.
AB 1471997Provides for immunity protection.