Some Notable Facts About AED for School!

With children throughout the nation preparing to begin another school year, now is an excellent opportunity to explain the necessity of AEDs in schools. We discussed the distinctions between adult, child, and baby CPR as well as the pediatric chain of survival last week, and this week we’ll look at some fascinating facts and figures concerning AEDs in schools.

Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) happens when the heart suddenly and abruptly stops beating. This is often induced by ventricular fibrillation (VF). When there is an anomaly in the electrical system of the heart, blood stops flowing to the brain, heart, and the rest of your important organs. Bystanders who initiate CPR and defibrillation immediately may maintain oxygenated blood circulating throughout the body and save a life.

Although sudden cardiac death (SCD) is alarming and leaves an imprint on survivors regardless of age, it is especially devastating when school-aged children are victims of SCD. SCD may leave deep wounds on families, schools, and communities.

Every year, thousands of children die as a result of cardiac arrest

According to the most recent American Heart Association data, 7,037 children die from cardiac arrest each year. When you consider that students spend between 175 and 180 days per year in school and get between 900 and 1,000 hours of instructional time per year, it’s crucial that AEDs be easily accessible in our public schools.

SCA is Surprisingly Common

It’s hard to imagine, yet each year, two out of every fifty high schools in the United States will host a SCA event.

The majority of states do not require AEDs in public schools

Despite the fact that Tennessee, Cardio Partners’ home state, has just joined the ranks of states that mandate AEDs in public high schools, only around 20 states have approved laws mandating AEDs in public schools. Only nine of the states have AED financing.

AEDs in schools improve hospital survival rates dramatically

Students who suffer from cardiac arrest at a school with an AED have a hospital survival rate of roughly 70%, compared to only approximately 8% in the general population of school-age children (American College of Cardiology).

Young Athletes Are More Likely Than Non-Athletes to Sustain Sudden Cardiac Death

Every three days, a young competitive athlete dies unexpectedly in the United States. Young athletes are more than twice as likely as young non-athletes to develop SCD (Close the Gap). According to the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, two-thirds of SCA fatalities in children occur during exercise or activity. SCA is, in fact, the biggest cause of mortality among young athletes.

Every second is crucial

According to the American College of Cardiology, “the time from collapse to defibrillation is the most critical contributing factor for survival in sudden cardiac arrest.” “Survival drops by 10% per minute unless a shock is delivered.”

An AED may be used by anybody

According to studies, students with no previous CPR or AED training may operate an AED as recommended. AEDs are designed to be simple to operate. Bystanders may save a life by following the simple, clear voice commands of an AED.

Cost is the most significant impediment for many schools

AED solutions for schools are available from a variety of organizations, including Cardio Partners and An AED, compliance management, a wall cabinet, AED pads, a rescue-ready kit, signage, and other items may be included in these packages. There are also CPR and AED training classes available.

It is critical to locate your AED in the best possible location

If no one can locate your school’s AED, no one can save a life! It is critical to choose the ideal location for your AED. The placement of an AED in a highly visible and public area might make the difference between life and death.

You may check out calmed equipment if you want to purchase an AED in California, particularly if you want to buy expressly for business. It is an online aed retailer that also offers various aed bundles. Aed for business, aed for church, aed for aviation, and aed for home are all options.