Tag Archives: aed device

Unveiling the Science of AEDs: A Deep Dive into Cardiac Arrest and Defibrillation

AED Information

Understanding Cardiac Arrest Cardiac arrest, a sudden and life-threatening event, demands a closer look at its science. When the heart’s rhythm falters, immediate action is crucial. Here, we delve into the relationship between AED and cardiac arrest to understand the synergy that can save lives. The Lifesaving Technology of AEDs AED technology stands as a […]

How To Perform CPR In Absence Of An AED

In case of sudden cardiac arrest, your first approach should be using an AED device because you don’t need proper training for it. Any person can use it on patients by just following audio/visual instructions. Nowadays visual instructor AEDs are also available. You can get yours from Calmed. But if AED is not present you […]