Tag Archives: AED for aviation

AED in The Workplace: Setting Up an AED Program at Work

Whether your congregation has 25 or 2,500 members, your place of worship must be equipped with the finest AED for church. Consider the fact that 350,000 Americans die of abrupt cardiac arrest each year (SCA). Without prompt cardiopulmonary resuscitation and defibrillation, death will occur within minutes. That is why SCA is the biggest cause of […]

AED in The Workplace: Setting Up an AED Program at Work

As part of its first-aid response, each business should analyze its unique needs for an AED program. Physician oversight, compliance with local, state, and federal regulations, coordination with local emergency medical services (EMS), the development of a quality-assurance program, and the performance of periodic reviews are among the issues to consider when establishing a worksite […]

Does Your Business Require AED?

AEDs, or Automated External Defibrillators, are tiny portable devices that may be utilized if a client or employee suffers from a major cardiac issue. These tiny, lunch box-shaped gadgets may save lives in emergency circumstances and need very little training to operate effectively. According to the National Institute of Health, using an AED to treat […]

How Aed for Business works

More than 95 percent of the victims who die from sudden cardiac arrest each year—estimates vary from 250,000 to 400,000 deaths—die before they reach the hospital. Survival rates may increase considerably, according to AED proponents, when care is administered within five to seven minutes, including early treatment with an AED. Local emergency medical services are […]

Is AED for CHURCH Important?

Churches are not obliged by law to have an automated external defibrillator (AED). However, there are other compelling reasons why a church should consider purchasing one of these life-saving devices. According to the American Heart Association (AHA), AEDs should be “accessible in public and private venues where big crowds congregate.” Churches undoubtedly fit the criteria […]

What are recommended accessories AED for CHURCH should have?

Every week, around 44 percent of Americans, or almost 134 million people, attend church services, and the safety of a church is critical. Every year, 450,000 Americans die from sudden cardiac arrest (SCA), equating to over 8,700 deaths every week. AEDs (automated external defibrillators) are a crucial element of ensuring the health and safety of […]

AED for aviation is necessary

The American heart association reports that as many as 1,000 cardiac arrest incidents occur worldwide each year when planes are airborne. Sudden cardiac arrest can happen at any place and at any time. If you have any heart disorder, you need to keep an AED machine with you all the time. It is readily available […]

Heart Should Be Taken Care Of All The Time

Sudden cardiac arrest can happen at any place and at any time. If you have any heart disorder, you need to keep an AED machine with you all the time. It is readily available on AED superstores also in stores online. If you want to buy an AED in California, you can check out calmed […]