Tag Archives: AED for home

When Purchasing an AED, You Should Ask These Questions

The similarities between AEDs end with the term used to describe them. It is critical to understand the distinctions and how they relate to your needs while buying for an AED. The following are some questions and variables to think about while purchasing an AED. What is the AED’s initial cost? The price of the […]

Fats Can Either Raise or Decrease the Chance of Developing Heart Disease

According to recent 27-year research of over 117,000 health professionals, people who ate more total red meat, processed red meat, and nondairy animal fat had an increased risk of stroke, while those who ate more vegetable fat or polyunsaturated fat had a decreased risk. If you suffer from any cardiac disorder, keep an AED with […]

What Is the Importance of Maintenance of an AED?

When a person has a sudden cardiac arrest (SCA), there is a 5-minute gap between collapse and shock during which the victim has the highest chance of surviving. Because the shock may only occur if an AED is present, all organizations must have an AED kit. However, merely possessing an AED is not enough; it […]

Discover The Connection Between Your Heart And Your Gut!

Cardiovascular disease, which affects the heart and blood arteries, is the main cause of death globally and, in the United States, particularly when AED is unavailable, responsible for nearly one in every four fatalities. Being overweight or obese, a lack of physical exercise and smoking are all risk factors for developing heart disease. However, there […]

Choosing the Best Heart-Healthy Activity

Exercise is necessary to keep yourself fit and healthy. If you already have any underlying heart condition, then you must exercise daily and keep an AED for home with you all the time. Doctor’s recommendation will vary on personal choice, but walking is usually a good place to start because it does not require any […]

Top Fish Picks: Omega-3-Rich, Mercury-Free, And PCB-Free

To prevent cardiac disease, you need to add healthy food to your life. If you already suffer cardiac disease, maintain your diet and keep an AED with you all the time. Doctors advocates becoming hooked on fatty fish that is low in mercury and PCBs to get the heart-healthy advantages of seafood’s big omegas without raising […]

Some Precautions to Do After Heart Attack!

A heart attack is a major life event that can have substantial consequences for you and your family in the days, weeks, and months that follow. It necessitates a change in your lifestyle as part of your rehabilitation, but it does not have to wreck the rest of your life. Some heart attack survivors can […]

Why Is AED for Police Necessary?

Police officers around the country have taken oaths to protect and serve their communities. This may cover anything from safeguarding the public from external dangers to assisting in the case of a medical emergency. Every year, more than 350,000 people in the United States suffer from sudden cardiac arrest (SCA), necessitating the installation of automatic […]

Emergency First Response CPR & AED for First Responder

The Emergency First Response CPR & AED for first responder course teaches the fundamentals of CPR as well as how to deploy and utilize an Automated External Defibrillation (AED) in an emergency. This life-saving gadget has been shown to boost a patient’s chances of survival following a cardiac arrest by 50%. When a person suffers […]

Keep an AED for School with You or Adopt This Lifestyle to Prevent Consequences!

Heart disease is the leading cause of death among women in the United States specially for working class. It is responsible for more than 35% of all fatalities in the United States, affecting nearly 42 million women. Furthermore, women have a 50% greater likelihood than males of having the incorrect first diagnosis after a heart […]