Tag Archives: AED in California

40% Of Heart Attacks In Women Are Fatal

It has been scientifically proven that heart diseases affect women differently than men. Women should understand heart complications. If you or someone you love is already suffering from heart disease then you must buy AED in California. Automated External Defibrillator AED is easily available on calmed equipment, an online AED store in the AED market, […]

AED Signs For Your AED!

As we all know that Automated External Defibrillators (AED) is the device that saves lives in cardiac emergencies. But in these occurrences of SCA people usually, panic and find it very hard to locate the device immediately therefore AED signs are made, which helps us to navigate to the AED unit when someone gets a […]

You Want To Eat Heart Smart? Let Us Guide You

One should take care of their heart with a healthy diet. Or if you are already suffering from some kind of heart disease you must keep an AED with you all the time. If you’re looking for AED in California you can check out Calmed. It is an online AED store that offers different AED […]

What Do You Know About Brayden Manikin?

People are getting more aware of the importance of AEDs and CPR and how it is essential for everyone to have sufficient knowledge about these. The market is now full of varieties of AEDs like defibtech lifeline aed, Heartstart aed, and many others. If you want to buy AED in California we recommend you to […]