Tag Archives: american aed

How Excessive Belly Fat Can Lead To Heart Disease

Scientists for long have already proved that stomach fat which is also known as abdominal obesity is responsible for increasing the risk of a heart attack. According to new research excessive fat in certain areas can also lead to the risk of subsequent heart attacks. In case of heart disease, one should always keep an […]

Why Keeping An First Aid Kit Is Important

To keep everyone safe, keeping a first aid kit and an AED for your house, company, and your employees is in everyone’s best interest. AEDs are now easily available in online stores such as CalMed, which is an American aed store and you don’t have to worry about how much an aed costs because Calmed […]

Exercise To Keep Your Heart Strong!

For many years we have known that aerobic exercise is good for heart health and its strength. It also trains our hearts to protect our muscles and bones. But now research has proven that lifting weight, using a pumping iron will not only particularly protect your heart but will also protect you from having a […]

Do You Know When Are You Most Likely To Have A Heart Attack?

Heart disease, including heart attack and sudden cardiac arrest, is the world’s No. 1 disease to kill people. A person’s risk of heart attack or cardiac arrest depends on many factors including exercising, smoking, dieting, and sometimes genes too. But our bodies have a pattern to work on, that leaves us prone to disease during […]

ZOLL Aed 3 Is Here! Learn More About It

People are advancing in science day by day. Newer and better versions of these AEDs are being manufactured for our ease. The FDA has permitted ZOLL to launch its newly manufactured Zoll AED 3 in public. Among the American AED, it’s going to be the best AED in the current market. Soon it will be […]