Unique symptoms of cardiovascular disorder(1)

AED is specially designed to save the life of a patient who suffers out of hospital cardiac arrest. AEDs around the world are now easily available. AEDs like AED plus, Zoll plus AED is easy to use for rescuers and life-saving for victims. You can now also get AED packages such as AED for business, AED for school, or your organization.

Heart Failure

You may have seen in the movies that when a person gets a heart attack or cardiac arrest he puts a hand on his chest and everyone figures out that he is having a cardiac arrest but real scenarios can be very different from this. You don’t need to experience particular pain in the heart. The following are symptoms that can be the reason for cardiac arrest too.


Edema can happen If you have congestive heart failure. In congestive heart failure, one or both of your heart’s lower chambers suddenly lose their ability to pump blood effectively. As a result, edema happens. In edema, blood can back up in your legs, ankles, and feet. Congestive heart failure can also cause swelling in your lower abdomen. Sometimes, this condition is also responsible for causing fluid to accumulate in your lungs. which can lead to shortness of breath.

Get yourself an AED in California right now. You can check out Calmed equipment if you’re looking for an AED to buy, they offer a wide range of AED equipment as well.