Unique symptoms of cardiovascular disorder(2)

This is the continuation of the previous article. AED is specially designed to save the life of a patient who suffers out of hospital cardiac arrest. AEDs around the world are now easily available. AEDs like AED plus, Zoll plus AED is easy to use for rescuers and life-saving for victims. You can now also get AED packages such as AED for business, AED for school, or your organization.

Heart Failure

You may have seen in the movies that when a person gets a heart attack or cardiac arrest he puts a hand on his chest and everyone figures out that he is having a cardiac arrest but the real scenario can be very different from this. You don’t need to experience particular pain in the heart. The following are symptoms that can be the reason for cardiac arrest too.

Leg Ulcer

When there is poor circulation of blood some health issues arise, including numbness and joint pain, muscle cramping, skin, and digestive issues, even cognitive issues. If circulation problems aren’t addressed on time, they can lead to PAD, peripheral vascular disease, a long-term abnormality of the blood vessels that can cause chronic, even life-threatening consequences. Sometimes the heart is not affected at first. This can cause nonhealing wounds on the legs and feet that can spread to bones real quick. This symptom can tell you if you have an underlying heart issue.

Get yourself an AED in California right now. You can check out Calmed equipment if you’re looking for an AED to buy, they offer a wide range of AED equipment as well.