What Should Be Kept In Mind While Buying An AED

When you’re considering buying an AED for your home or you’re setting up an office-wide AED setup, AED cost is a big concern. Different models have different features and costs vary from device to device. CalMed provides a wide range of defibrillators according to your need but regardless of AED price it can save many dying people as more than 350,000 people die each year from sudden cardiac arrest, so we should keep a few things in mind while purchasing this device.

Who Will Use It

While purchasing an AED you need to keep in mind that who will be likely to need the defibrillator because for children there are separate pediatric defibrillation pads available.

Where You Should Keep It

If you’re buying for home it should be placed in a fixed-location like in a cabinet or wall bracket. If you’re buying it for a workplace you have to ensure that anyone can access it. For effectiveness, you have to make sure that everyone can reach it with a minimal response time.

AED Training

You do not need proper training to be trained to use a defibrillator, You can take training to ensure the patient that you are already familiar with the device as you need to act quickly in an emergency. But you can also use it without training as AED itself is enough to guide you to use it.

For each minute use of defibrillation is delayed, the odds of survival of the patient are reduced by approximately 10%, so you should have proper access to an AED and know how to use one.