What You Should Do If You Have Coronary Artery Disease

AED Defibrillator

Whatever heart disease you might get an AED defibrillator is a must-have. An AED or Automated External Defibrillator is a portable device that in case of sudden cardiac arrest determines the heart rhythm of a person. AED will deliver a shock If necessary, to help the heart re-establish heart rhythm. All AEDs easily available on the AED superstore today. You can even get them online on CalMed equipment.

Risk Factors

There can be some preventions to stay away from coronary artery disease but now if you have one there are some risk factors that can worsen it so you need to stay away from them. following your doctor’s treatment and staying away from these can help you with quick recovery.


I can’t put enough stress on the importance of physical activity. Exercise not only helps you lose weight but it also improves your physical condition and relieves stress. There is a famous saying that the more you walk the more you’re increasing years of your life. Commonly, many people reduce the risk of heart attack by doing 30 minutes of walking daily. But you can also consult your doctor for that.

Alcohol and Drugs

These two abuses can make any disease worse. If you are an alcoholic there are better chances of you getting heart disease. If you’re addicted you can limit your consumption by consultation with a doctor.

Healthy Diet

Coronary heart disease occurs due to the deposition of fats in your arteries. If you take a healthy diet and eat more fruits and vegetables it can help you fight diseases more efficiently. It can also prevent you from other heart diseases like diabetes and high cholesterol.