You Need To Exercise More To Stay Safe From Cardiac Arrest

Automated external defibrillator AED save the life of patients who suffer cardiac arrest. Aed heart is getting popular and people are getting more and more aware of the importance of it. Well if you want to stay away from heart problems in the first place you need to maintain a healthy lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle includes a healthy diet and exercise. If you work all day and think of it as exercise it is not correct. People who exercise daily make their bodies stronger than us. They can better deal with diseases and problems.

How So?

According to Dr. Hansen, A study published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology: “Almost 18% of patients with a heart attack died within 28 days, substantiating the severity of this condition. We found an immediate survival benefit of prior physical activity in the setting of a heart attack, a benefit that seemed preserved at 28 days. Based on our analyses, even a low amount of leisure-time physical activity may be beneficial against fatal heart attacks, but statistical uncertainty precludes us from drawing any firm conclusions on that point.”

That is why it is strongly recommended to keep physical activity or exercise in your routine daily. You can keep yourself safe from cardiac arrest by getting an AED from the calmed store. If you’re looking for AED in California it is the best place to look from.  You can choose your AED from a variety of AEDs, that too by sitting in your home, scrolling.